Let's Talk Junk Removal and Environmental Consciousness

Many people wonder why we do our podcast, Trash Talk Business Podcast.

Well, for me, it's all about the challenges. I want to see more junk removal companies being environmentally conscious and reducing waste.

But I'm not going to get there by criticizing and blaming others. Instead, I want to plant the seed and start a conversation.

For example, did you know that you can donate furniture to people at an air force base?

That's awesome! Let's keep this conversation going and make a positive impact on our planet.

If you want to listen to the full conversation above, head on over to https://www.trashtalkbusinesspodcast.com/ep-43-i-dont-troubleshoot-sht-with-lenny-bernstein/

#JunkRemoval #EnvironmentalConsciousness #ReduceWaste #DTFT #junkremovalbusiness #short